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Heartless x2 (Subscript)

I met a girl who showed me she was interested (smiles, body language, etc). She is the one who gave me her phone number. We started dating. She introduced me to her family and friends.

Her mother told her that to be successfull in life I was the right guy for her. Her mother and family adored me. She would not stop telling me how happy she was with me, that she felt so good when we were around each other, etc etc.

She bought a big house plant for my living room and put us as being in a relationship on facebook. She talked about us moving in together.

So I thought that things were flowing well towards something more serious than just dating...

Then out of nowhere she went back to her ex-boyfriend. The same ex boyfriend that her mother dislikes. The same ex boyfriend that would threaten suicide and call her crying while we were dating to try and get her back. The same ex boyfriend that had cheated on her and that she accused of having stinky feet and unbrushed teeth. The same ex-boyfriend that at 30 years old has not finished his studies, works a part time job as a waiter and lives with roommates...

I do not understand!!?? I have my own apartment. I have a great full time job working for the leader of a federal political party. While he is short chubby and average looking I am tall fit and average looking. My teeth are brushed and my feet dont stink. I dont cry and threaten suicide to get a girl back.

Still I end up single, rejected, broken hearted and used while her ex-boyfriend ends up happy and satisfied. There were obviously problems in their relationship or they would not have broken up in the first place. And what does she do? Leaves me to return to something broken...

I really dont can I trust women now. How can I trust love, relationships, dating, body language...

I still have hope that she comes back to me but even then I know this would not be a good thing!!

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