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how to forgive cheating?

We all know that cheating is probably one of the worst things that can happen in a relationship, so it seems logical that it would be the hardest to forgive. When infidelity rears its ugly head, trust is lost, pain is inflicted, and a heart is broken. Self-esteem...out the window, self-confidence...gone...confusion and pain have taken their place. The fact that the question, "how can cheating be forgiven," has been asked, perhaps means that a second chance might be considered. If this is so you have an up hill battle and you must realize that it doesn't happen overnight. You are in it for the long haul and must decide how this relationship can survive.

Forgiveness can happen and couples do get back together again, even after cheating. Your partner must convince you that it was a horrible mistake, and regrets it. Completely breaking off the affair with no more contact is the first thing to be done. A sincere apology, along with a promise that it will never happen again is absolutely needed. To be mistrusting is natural because of all that you have been put through. Trust will once again have to be earned and rebuilt. How can cheating be forgiven if the trust isn't there?

Is reconciliation truly deserved? This is one of the things you must figure out. Think this out thoroughly, and give yourself a lot of time to do it. Get advice from well wishing friends and family. Read articles related to this issue and if you feel counseling might help...get it. These are a few of the things that might be considered, if you do decide a second chance is warranted.

* Make your decision with a cool head and only after you have given yourself a lot of space away from your partner.
* Accept an apology when you feel your partner is truly repentant and remorseful.
* They must make you believe that their behavior has changed and that they will be squeaky clean.
* Do not accept an excuse for their cheating...Remorse is the key to forgiveness not an excuse.
* Forgiveness does not mean approval of the affair nor does it not mean that it will be forgotten. In fact it very likely will come out in arguments.
* They must understand that their actions have made you very angry and it will take a lot of patience and time for healing.
* Most importantly do you love this person enough for forgiveness and can you actually do it.

Are you still asking the question "how can cheating be forgiven"? If so, know that this whole process will not be easy, but if persistent, it can well be worth the effort. And truly, won't it be better in the long run? If you do nothing you may regret it for the rest of your life.

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