From The Moment We met
I Knew You'd be Someone i could never forget
We talked we laughed we made memories
There was just something about you
It seemed to good to be true
People tried to come in between us
We stayed strong and stuck by each other
We've had our up's and our down's
Our Smile's And Frown's
My Love for you just grew
My love for you is so true
You make me feel what no other has ever made me feel
It's like our love is so unreal
You're my missing puzzle piece
I've made my mistakes in life
With you everything feels so right
I Don't have a worry in the world
I feel so safe as you hold me in your arms
I love you without a doubt
I'll stick by you no matter what
Thick, thin, ice and snow
My love for you will just grow
Even tho you're moving away
You'll always be my ay bay bay
We can make it through anything
You're like my sunshine on a pitch black night
We get along so perfectly
For once i feel like i'm worth something to someone
You're the most amazing person I've ever met
Chaney You Will Be Impossible to forget
I Will always love you for you
There's nothing in this world that could make me not
Flaws and all you are my everything
I love how i can talk to you about anything
I love how you can make me smile when i wanna be pissed
I love the way you look at me it makes my heart melt
I love the way you love my son as if he were yours
I love how i can just be me around you
I love how you don't judge me for the stupid shit i do and say
You're everything i wanted and more.
I'm so lucky to be able to call you mine!
I Love You Chaney <3 Today,Tomorrow,Always <3
Written by Kelly
A very goof friend of mine, sigh hate ppl that hurt her, but she can always do better =p. Kelly its his lost, ull find other ppl that appreciates u better
How to know if you are in love? (SOUL MATES)
Soul Mates are an experience. You will find that throughout your life, you will have many, many opportunities to connect with, or link up with, those that you have had experiences with before. It may have been in other planes of existence, in other lives, or in many other ways. So yes, you could call many of these relationships soul mates.
When two people connect and have a feeling of familiarity or a sense that they are connected for some reason other than they can imagine or know with their minds, often it is because they have soul mate qualities. You can even make a new soul mate in this life if you choose. So, let us create clarity with this question of, "What is a soul mate?"
A soul mate is a person or a being that you have a connection with from a soul level. I'm defining soul connection as being of greater expression, greater desire, or greater connection than just the purpose of connecting in your physical body. Soul mates come in many expressions.
When you do connect with someone with whom you have created a soul agreement to come together--to acknowledge one another--it can be an easy experience. Or, it can be a difficult experience. It depends on what you both decide you want to co-create and why you both came together.
Sometimes soul mates come together to wake each other up. Sometimes that can be a painful experience. Sometimes soul mates come together because they have achieved great heights. They have manifested great awarenesses in previous lives and are coming together in this life to celebrate and to bring forth more light upon this planet.
You see, we also have soul-groups. I bet that you can recognize many people that are in your soul-group already. However, I get a feeling that this questioner has more personal love interests in mind.
Yes, you can connect with a person that has the qualities of a soul mate, and they can be a significant relationship in the love interest area. Yes, you can create a relationship that flows easily and effortlessly. In this relationship there may be an awareness that you perhaps have differences. There may also be a willingness to create a place to allow each other to have their individual expression without feeling that one's nature needs to react because of lack or scarcity. That will allow the relationship to flow.
You will find that when two people come together who are soul mates, they will have made an agreement to benefit each other and to help in each other's lives in some way. Through their compatibilities, you will usually find they have a spiritual connection as their primary attraction. Then it will blend on an emotional level, and then you will find the mental. The last level to be discovered between soul mates is often the physical connection. Sometimes there will be a spark placed there to create the attraction so that you may find each other again. We are in a body, yes!? Therefore, the physical cannot be left out.
Love after bereavement
Losing someone we love is one of the hardest things we have to face in life. But eventually, once we're ready, it's highly likely we'll consider the possibility of finding love again. And this can happen at any age.
In our own practice we have known men and women form new relationships well into their eighties.
Grief and romance
Although it can be exciting to find love again, thoughts of the dead partner can cast a shadow over any new romance.
Sometimes people feel guilty about wanting company and physical love.
Often they have all sorts of other unresolved emotions about the death of the partner, and the more they try to ignore them, the more they tend to surface.
Such emotions are often about loss. But they might be about anger that the person has gone, or about resentment that other people are still a couple and can look forward to an old age together.
Sometimes feelings revolve round horrible images of the last days or weeks of a partner's life. And the surviving spouse may well feel that he or she was not always patient or very loving when the other person was dying.
All of these emotions are quite normal to have, but that does not make them easy to deal with.
Stages of grief
There are generally reckoned to be about seven stages of grief:
* shock, disbelief, numbness
* denial
* panic
* anger
* guilt
* depression
* acceptance.
Most grieving people experience at least some of these stages, but there is no set order or time limit for these feelings.
It's not unusual to feel as if you've experienced several elements of these stages on one day alone.
For this reason, use these stages as a rough guide that can help you to understand sudden difficult emotions such as anger.
Recognise that these emotions are part of a process, and that others feel like this too.
When should you be ready to start a new relationship?
You may find your grieving process doesn't coincide with other people's ideas of how it should be.
Sometimes friends or family will get impatient if you're not 'over it' after six months.
At other times, you can get a strong sense that some individuals think you are hard-hearted because you appear to have got over the death quickly.
We all find our own way of dealing with death. None of us should judge anyone else about how they are coping.
But when it comes to new relationships, people are often quick to disapprove if a new romance blossoms 'too soon'.
When is too soon?
If a partner has been dying for a long time, the chances are you have done loads of grieving before he or she actually stopped breathing.
You are then more likely to feel ready for a new life than someone whose spouse dies suddenly.
In cases of lengthy terminal illness, it's not unusual for a new relationship to blossom even before the partner dies. And although this new relationship can be a great comfort, it can also be the source of deep guilt.
But there are no absolutes when it comes to people's feelings. And no two individuals are the same.
In general, society doesn't tend to condone new relationships that go public before an interval of around one year.
And certainly, new romances won't go well if a grieving person is avoiding the pain of bereavement by replacing one partner with another. Recovering from a loved-one's death is just not that easy.
Coping with other people's reactions
You have to remember that no-one knows exactly what you're suffering. And no one knows for sure what went on in your relationship with your dead partner.
So really, other people should resist commenting on any new romance you have. In reality, friends and family will have a view on it.
Hopefully, many will be pleased that you have found happiness again. But there may be jealousy from other friends who have been on their own for longer.
Unfortunately, you may find your dead partner's family cannot come to terms with a new relationship even if years have gone by. This is because they feel their relative is being forgotten.
If that happens, try to discuss with them just how much your late partner will always be in your mind. You might also gently suggest that he or she would not want you to grieve forever.
In time, they may come round to the idea, but it is a situation that requires kindness and tact on both sides.
And while it's easy to see any criticism by your in-laws as an unnecessary obstacle to your new life, try to remember that they too have had to deal with the loss of your partner.
Don't forget that your in-laws are your children's grandparents or aunts and uncles. As such, it will be painful all round to fall out with them in a big way.
Sons and daughters
You may also have serious difficulties with your own sons and daughters.
If your children are still living at home, they will be affected by any new relationship. And they may be quite hostile because they think that Mum or Dad is being airbrushed out of history.
It can be very difficult to deal with this kind of upset because your children may still be deeply upset by their loss.
In such a situation, it's wise not to be blatant about your new love until your children are more ready to accept the idea. So don't allow your lover to stay overnight before your children have come to terms with your new romantic happiness.
If your children have left home, you won't have quite the same problems.
But even if their father or mother died several years ago, your adult offspring may react negatively when you tell them you've found love again.
And if you usually stay over when you visit, be sensitive to the fact they might feel awkward if you want your new partner to accompany you - especially if you're asking to share a bed.
This is a highly inflammatory situation for families to deal with, and the best advice anyone can give you is: take your time.
Sex in your new relationship
After a bereavement, many people decide they will never have a sexual relationship again. This is particularly likely when the death happens late in life.
But a lot of men and women find their sexual urges return after a while.
Unfortunately, this can lead to intense feelings of guilt, mainly caused by a feeling you are being unfaithful to the dead partner.
Post-bereavement sexual guilt manifests itself in three main ways.
* Worries about masturbation. After a few months on their own, quite a lot of older men and women experience a desire to masturbate. This need for relief is largely physiological: it is caused by the normal workings of the body and its hormones. It isn't something you should be ashamed about.
* Difficulties with erection. Many widowed men experience erectile dysfunction (impotence) when they try to have sex with someone else. Counselling of the couple is usually effective. Sometimes it's useful to give the man a short course of erection drugs to build confidence.
* Vaginal dryness. When a woman decides to resume sex, she often finds she can't relax. As a result, her natural lubricant doesn't flow, making sex uncomfortable. Counselling by an experienced family planning doctor will often put matters right. Also, the use of a good vaginal lubricant will help. A course of vaginal hormone may benefit post-menopausal women.
What happens if your new relationship fails?
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a new relationship to fail because of guilt or because you are not emotionally ready to move on.
Sometimes your new partner may walk away because he or she considers you too needy or too emotionally involved with your dead partner.
Whatever the reason for the break-up, it will probably hit you hard - and may resurrect all sorts of pain related to the death of your spouse.
If this happens, try to realise this romance was not your only chance of happiness.
It's likely you weren't really ready for a new relationship and you may need to spend time grieving for your dead partner and building up your own strength and happiness.
Spend time being single again, catch up with friends and maybe get some help for your sadness.
You will find that after a period of several months - or even a year or two - you are more ready for a social life, including romance.
Love after bereavement
Losing someone we love is one of the hardest things we have to face in life. But eventually, once we're ready, it's highly likely we'll consider the possibility of finding love again. And this can happen at any age.
In our own practice we have known men and women form new relationships well into their eighties.
Grief and romance
Although it can be exciting to find love again, thoughts of the dead partner can cast a shadow over any new romance.
Sometimes people feel guilty about wanting company and physical love.
Often they have all sorts of other unresolved emotions about the death of the partner, and the more they try to ignore them, the more they tend to surface.
Such emotions are often about loss. But they might be about anger that the person has gone, or about resentment that other people are still a couple and can look forward to an old age together.
Sometimes feelings revolve round horrible images of the last days or weeks of a partner's life. And the surviving spouse may well feel that he or she was not always patient or very loving when the other person was dying.
All of these emotions are quite normal to have, but that does not make them easy to deal with.
Stages of grief
There are generally reckoned to be about seven stages of grief:
* shock, disbelief, numbness
* denial
* panic
* anger
* guilt
* depression
* acceptance.
Most grieving people experience at least some of these stages, but there is no set order or time limit for these feelings.
It's not unusual to feel as if you've experienced several elements of these stages on one day alone.
For this reason, use these stages as a rough guide that can help you to understand sudden difficult emotions such as anger.
Recognise that these emotions are part of a process, and that others feel like this too.
When should you be ready to start a new relationship?
You may find your grieving process doesn't coincide with other people's ideas of how it should be.
Sometimes friends or family will get impatient if you're not 'over it' after six months.
At other times, you can get a strong sense that some individuals think you are hard-hearted because you appear to have got over the death quickly.
We all find our own way of dealing with death. None of us should judge anyone else about how they are coping.
But when it comes to new relationships, people are often quick to disapprove if a new romance blossoms 'too soon'.
When is too soon?
If a partner has been dying for a long time, the chances are you have done loads of grieving before he or she actually stopped breathing.
You are then more likely to feel ready for a new life than someone whose spouse dies suddenly.
In cases of lengthy terminal illness, it's not unusual for a new relationship to blossom even before the partner dies. And although this new relationship can be a great comfort, it can also be the source of deep guilt.
But there are no absolutes when it comes to people's feelings. And no two individuals are the same.
In general, society doesn't tend to condone new relationships that go public before an interval of around one year.
And certainly, new romances won't go well if a grieving person is avoiding the pain of bereavement by replacing one partner with another. Recovering from a loved-one's death is just not that easy.
Coping with other people's reactions
You have to remember that no-one knows exactly what you're suffering. And no one knows for sure what went on in your relationship with your dead partner.
So really, other people should resist commenting on any new romance you have. In reality, friends and family will have a view on it.
Hopefully, many will be pleased that you have found happiness again. But there may be jealousy from other friends who have been on their own for longer.
Unfortunately, you may find your dead partner's family cannot come to terms with a new relationship even if years have gone by. This is because they feel their relative is being forgotten.
If that happens, try to discuss with them just how much your late partner will always be in your mind. You might also gently suggest that he or she would not want you to grieve forever.
In time, they may come round to the idea, but it is a situation that requires kindness and tact on both sides.
And while it's easy to see any criticism by your in-laws as an unnecessary obstacle to your new life, try to remember that they too have had to deal with the loss of your partner.
Don't forget that your in-laws are your children's grandparents or aunts and uncles. As such, it will be painful all round to fall out with them in a big way.
Sons and daughters
You may also have serious difficulties with your own sons and daughters.
If your children are still living at home, they will be affected by any new relationship. And they may be quite hostile because they think that Mum or Dad is being airbrushed out of history.
It can be very difficult to deal with this kind of upset because your children may still be deeply upset by their loss.
In such a situation, it's wise not to be blatant about your new love until your children are more ready to accept the idea. So don't allow your lover to stay overnight before your children have come to terms with your new romantic happiness.
If your children have left home, you won't have quite the same problems.
But even if their father or mother died several years ago, your adult offspring may react negatively when you tell them you've found love again.
And if you usually stay over when you visit, be sensitive to the fact they might feel awkward if you want your new partner to accompany you - especially if you're asking to share a bed.
This is a highly inflammatory situation for families to deal with, and the best advice anyone can give you is: take your time.
Sex in your new relationship
After a bereavement, many people decide they will never have a sexual relationship again. This is particularly likely when the death happens late in life.
But a lot of men and women find their sexual urges return after a while.
Unfortunately, this can lead to intense feelings of guilt, mainly caused by a feeling you are being unfaithful to the dead partner.
Post-bereavement sexual guilt manifests itself in three main ways.
* Worries about masturbation. After a few months on their own, quite a lot of older men and women experience a desire to masturbate. This need for relief is largely physiological: it is caused by the normal workings of the body and its hormones. It isn't something you should be ashamed about.
* Difficulties with erection. Many widowed men experience erectile dysfunction (impotence) when they try to have sex with someone else. Counselling of the couple is usually effective. Sometimes it's useful to give the man a short course of erection drugs to build confidence.
* Vaginal dryness. When a woman decides to resume sex, she often finds she can't relax. As a result, her natural lubricant doesn't flow, making sex uncomfortable. Counselling by an experienced family planning doctor will often put matters right. Also, the use of a good vaginal lubricant will help. A course of vaginal hormone may benefit post-menopausal women.
What happens if your new relationship fails?
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a new relationship to fail because of guilt or because you are not emotionally ready to move on.
Sometimes your new partner may walk away because he or she considers you too needy or too emotionally involved with your dead partner.
Whatever the reason for the break-up, it will probably hit you hard - and may resurrect all sorts of pain related to the death of your spouse.
If this happens, try to realise this romance was not your only chance of happiness.
It's likely you weren't really ready for a new relationship and you may need to spend time grieving for your dead partner and building up your own strength and happiness.
Spend time being single again, catch up with friends and maybe get some help for your sadness.
You will find that after a period of several months - or even a year or two - you are more ready for a social life, including romance.
letting go
How do you walk away from someone you love
And take the road of friend;
Can you reroute the course you have taken
And start over once again?
I don't really want to let you go
But inside me I know I must;
The times we've loved . . . the times you've left
My heart says stay . . . but it's my mind I must trust.
We have shared so much together
Laughter . . . fun times . . . tears;
Yet sometimes we can't turn back time
We must walk away, and allow ourselves to heal.
I know one day you will be happy
And your soulmate you will find;
I know we each have one out there
Even if for now . . . only in our minds.
May life be gentle with you
May God's best come your way;
And on some quiet tomorrow
You will realize things were better this way.
If She Wants a Break
In some relationships one of the partners will suddenly decide they need a break from the other person. No one is exactly sure what this means but in most cases it means the partners who requested the break wants to date other people. If you are a man who has a girlfriend who recently said this to you, you may be sitting at home thinking of every worse case scenario possible. Your thoughts will run thru the entire series including which man she is spending her time with and what they are doing. If you aren't ready to hand her over to another man, there are ways to get your girlfriend back in your life.
One thing that many men face when their girlfriend decides to take a break is that they don't get themselves into that same mindset. Instead of using the time to explore other dating experiences, they sit at home waiting for their girlfriend to call with her decision. In essence, the man is putting his entire life on hold while his girlfriend goes out and has as much fun as she likes. One of the most effective ways to get your girlfriend back if she wants to date other people is to do the same. She'll will hear of what you are doing and if she has any feelings for you at all, it will drive her crazy.
If your girlfriend has already started seeing someone else, don't take it upon yourself to point out all of his flaws to her. Do not make negative comments about him because this will result in her thinking you are jealous. If she does bring him up when talking to you, and she likely will, tell her that he sounds great. End the call quickly by telling her that you've got plans and that you hope to talk soon. Treat her as you would any friend. It's very important when you are looking for ways to get your girlfriend back, to try and view her as a friend. If you can't do it, at least learn to treat her as such. This is your first action in eventually getting her back.
A very large and common mistake that men make when they are looking for ways to get their relationship back to the way it once was, is to make themselves completely available to their ex girlfriend. This means that when she calls, he jumps. If she calls telling him she wants to talk, he'll rush right over. If she calls him because she's lonely, he'll be the one who comforts her. Putting yourself in this position is a huge mistake. If you do this, your girlfriend will take you for granted. She'll view you as someone who will wait for her, no matter what she does. You need to show her that you are not that person. Don't run to her. Let her be the one who comes to you. To do that you need to make yourself scarce and keep yourself as busy as possible. She needs to see that you have a full and enriching life without her.
Heartless x2 (Subscript)
I met a girl who showed me she was interested (smiles, body language, etc). She is the one who gave me her phone number. We started dating. She introduced me to her family and friends.
Her mother told her that to be successfull in life I was the right guy for her. Her mother and family adored me. She would not stop telling me how happy she was with me, that she felt so good when we were around each other, etc etc.
She bought a big house plant for my living room and put us as being in a relationship on facebook. She talked about us moving in together.
So I thought that things were flowing well towards something more serious than just dating...
Then out of nowhere she went back to her ex-boyfriend. The same ex boyfriend that her mother dislikes. The same ex boyfriend that would threaten suicide and call her crying while we were dating to try and get her back. The same ex boyfriend that had cheated on her and that she accused of having stinky feet and unbrushed teeth. The same ex-boyfriend that at 30 years old has not finished his studies, works a part time job as a waiter and lives with roommates...
I do not understand!!?? I have my own apartment. I have a great full time job working for the leader of a federal political party. While he is short chubby and average looking I am tall fit and average looking. My teeth are brushed and my feet dont stink. I dont cry and threaten suicide to get a girl back.
Still I end up single, rejected, broken hearted and used while her ex-boyfriend ends up happy and satisfied. There were obviously problems in their relationship or they would not have broken up in the first place. And what does she do? Leaves me to return to something broken...
I really dont can I trust women now. How can I trust love, relationships, dating, body language...
I still have hope that she comes back to me but even then I know this would not be a good thing!!
Relationship Break-up and Emotional Breakdown
Lost love. It's difficult to think of great literature without this enduring theme. Would, for example, Emily Bronte's Heathcliff and his passion for Cathy have captured our imaginations if they had lived happily ever after in Wuthering Heights? And would Romeo and Juliet have been as memorable if they had quietly married with the blessing of their families?
Unfortunately, what makes for great reading doesn't play out well in real life. As in recovering from a grave physical injury, healing a broken heart takes time and care. If time doesn't ease your grief, or it interferes with your work or your ability to connect with friends and relatives, you probably need professional help: You may be battling a case of severe depression.
What feelings are normal after the breakup of a relationship?
The rupture of an intimate bond between two people spells crisis in most people's lives, and grief and even anger are normal, healthy responses to this overwhelming loss. In a breakup, not only are you losing the person you love, but your existence as part of that couple. For most of us that means the loss of the way we led our lives and much of what we held dear -- love and intimacy, the social activities we care about, shared friendships, and a secure home. Small wonder, then, that the end of a relationship can feel as though life has ended as well.
Certainly, the pain associated with losing a loved one is not confined to married couples. Some studies indicate that as many as one out of five teenagers suffers depression because of a romantic breakup. Teenagers who've gone through a romantic breakup, in fact, are more likely to experience the onset of a major depression while still in adolescence, according to a study published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology. If the phrase "love is a drug" has any basis in fact, its sudden loss can be likened to going through drug withdrawal, and often involves the same harrowing set of symptoms: real physical pain, sleeplessness, anxiety, depression, hopelessness, loss of motivation, and thoughts of suicide. If you have constant thoughts of suicide, it's important that you talk to a doctor or call a crisis line immediately.
After 16 years, Dona Blanchard* still recalls the sleepless night she spent after her first painful breakup at age 24. The end of the relationship came during the holidays, and instead of celebrating with friends, she spent Christmas at home weeping. Instead of commiserating with her, some friends were impatient for her to get over the loss of her three-year relationship and enjoy the holidays with them.
"I cried the whole holiday season. I wanted to kill myself. It was really like I was losing an arm," she says. "But a lot of my friends didn't know how deep the relationship was. It seemed like people really didn't care that much. They said to me, 'That's okay. You'll get over it.' "
Others interviewed echoed her experience, adding that recently divorced people are often treated with more understanding and compassion by their friends. "I remember so clearly the breakup of my deepest relationship," says one woman. "We had been in love for five years, and I was so depressed I felt suicidal. Yet in the first week of the breakup, friends were already inviting me to come to parties and 'meet some cute guy.' I felt like I was in an insane asylum. I truly believe that if my sweetheart and I had been married, people would have taken my feelings more seriously."
People who are depressed not only feel sad, they are usually contending with a persistent sense of hopelessness and lethargy. The ability to concentrate and make decisions wanes, along with interest in eating or going out with friends. When emotional exhaustion sets in, even thinking of activities that might distract them is beyond the scope of most people suffering from depression.
When Jack Anderson* moved to California from Ohio to be with a woman he'd been with since college, he thought they'd be together forever. But when she revealed she was seeing someone else, he was devastated. It was like his body shut down. He couldn't sleep well and felt so unmotivated and lethargic that his dinners soon consisted of beans eaten straight from a can. "That's all I had the energy to do," he says.
What can I do to break out of my depression?
If, after two months, you feel as rotten as you did the first week you broke up, or if your mood is affecting your work or making it difficult to take care of yourself or your family, it's a sign you may be suffering from a clinical depression. In this case, you should consider consulting a psychologist, marriage and family therapist, or psychiatrist who can help you determine if you have a mood disorder that can be treated with therapy and/or antidepressant medications.
Talking to your doctor or a counselor can also help speed the healing process. Depression is a serious disease that can be treated with a variety of drugs, but you might find the best help comes from combining them with some type of individual or group therapy that can help you cope with your feelings.
Cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy are two types of therapy that have been shown to help people recover from depression; others may find regular psychotherapy helpful. In part, cognitive behavioral therapy consists of changing negative ways of thinking: Healing from a breakup, in part, requires that you not give into obsessive thoughts about the loved one, and that you not rehearse over and over again what went wrong in the relationship. Some therapists also suggest relaxation techniques or other behavior modification tools that may help you overcome symptoms of distress.
Therapists may also suggest you see a physician who can prescribe antidepressants, while some may suggest herbal supplements. The effectiveness of herbal remedies is still a matter of debate, however. Although a review of 23 German studies concluded that St. John's wort, long considered useful in maintaining emotional health, can combat minor bouts of depression as successfully as some antidepressants, a major study published by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the Office of Dietary Supplements, and the National Institute of Mental Health found it to be no more effective than a placebo. Always consult with your doctor before taking herbal supplements because they can interact adversely with other medications, including antidepressants. (Note: never combine herbal antidepressants with antidepressant drugs; the combination can be extremely dangerous. Also, don't take St. John's wort if you're using HIV drugs or organ transplant medications.)
Though the temptation to brood may be overwhelming, try not to let yourself sink into apathy and a lethargic state of mind. It can undermine your self-esteem and exacerbate a downward emotional spiral. Keeping to a schedule of seeing friends or exercising will help fill your time while your heart heals.
As you begin to heal, you may also want to consider the following strategies. They can help you pick yourself up and dust yourself off, even if you're not ready to start all over again.
•Find time to exercise. Studies have shown that getting at least 30 minutes of exercise at least three times a week can lift your mood as much as taking certain antidepressants. Exercise raises the levels of serotonin, the brain chemical that boosts feelings of well-being. (For more information, see Exercise and Depression.) Joining a group of hikers or tennis players will also get you out of the home, where you're more likely to brood.
•Reach out. Isolation can exacerbate depression. Whether it's your family, a formal support group for those going through a breakup or divorce, an informal network of sympathetic friends, a church or synagogue, reaching out to others is crucial in rebuilding your life. Schedule plenty of coffees and lunches with your supportive friends. If you haven't made a new friend in a while, you can use the gym or your local bookstore to find companions.
•Watch what you eat and drink. If you're the type of person who doesn't eat or binges when you're depressed, you shouldn't use this time to embark on a diet or go overboard eating chocolate for dinner. Your body as well as your mind will need healing. Try to keep up with vitamins and supplements that you normally take. Eat the foods that maintain your energy, including fruits and vegetables.
Several natural remedies are thought to boost serotonin levels in the brain and help stabilize your mood, including omega-3 essential fatty acids. According to Harvard psychopharmacologist Andrew Stoll, omega-3 fatty acids, which are found naturally in fatty fishes like salmon, play a significant role in healthy brain function and seem to have a preventative or mitigating effect on both depression and bipolar disorder. You can also get your omega-3 fatty acids courtesy of seafood, but you need to eat fish several times a week to get the full benefit. Taking fish oil or flaxseed oil supplements containing omega-3s is another option.
Although you might be tempted to dull the pain of losing someone with alcohol, consider the effect it will have on your energy level, mental state, and antidepressants you may be taking. It might be healthy to drink moderately (up to two drinks a day for men, up to one drink a day for women), but try not to overdo it. Since alcohol is a depressant, too much of it may depress you further. And remember that with some medications, you shouldn't drink at all. When in doubt, ask your physician.
•If you're healed up enough to venture out of your routine, consider taking a class or otherwise nurturing your creativity. A major life change is an opportunity for reevaluation. If there's something you've always wanted to learn how to do now is the perfect time to try. Universities, dance studios, and community colleges are good places to find literature, painting, language, sports, writing, and music classes.
Creative activities can be outlets for emotions that we don't know how to express in other ways. Some researchers also believe that brain patterns change and serotonin levels may increase when you're painting, playing music, or engaging in other types of art. Writing in a journal can be not only creative, it can help you get feelings of anger and hurt out. Keeping them inside only adds to depression.
•Volunteer. Many people forget about giving to the larger community when they're in a relationship. But community services that involve interacting with others or creating a product that helps others is a good way to restore your faith in humanity. They're also a good way to find new friends.
•Consider a change of scene. Never underestimate the power of an adventurous vacation. Traveling, whether it's to a town just a few hours away or to a different continent, can help you focus on your immediate surroundings and less on the past.
But because traveling alone can sometimes reinforce feelings of isolation, especially if you're in a country where the language is strange to you, you might want to travel in a group or book a vacation that involves activities with other people.
It's probably not a good idea to make any major life changes at this time. This is not the time to suddenly change your job, or move to another city or state. Give yourself some time to adjust to this new state of being before embarking on another big change in your life.
In other words, take care of yourself.
A year after he broke up with his girlfriend, Anderson found a new job and returned to Ohio. And although he and his girlfriend continued to talk by telephone after his return, he was able to concentrate on his new surroundings and resolve his feelings. "There's still a strong sadness," he says. "I still question the things that led up to the breakup, but I don't question the breakup itself."
For Blanchard, it has taken years for the pain to go away. She coped by developing her career as a writer and eventually, she married someone else. Even though she still thinks of her former boyfriend occasionally, she now believes the relationship would never have worked. "I still love him," she says. "But it's a long mourning process. It just has to run its course."
-- Melanie Haiken, M.A., is the former health editor of Parenting magazine. An independent journalist specializing in health, business, and parenting issues, she has served as managing editor of BabyCenter and the San Francisco magazine and executive editor of an Industry Standard magazine, and has written for Time Inc. Health, The Washington Post, and many other publications.
•These names have been changed.
. Different Locations
Depression and Breaking Up
Every relationship has an end. But though we all know this little grain of truth, it does not lessen the pain when you have to say goodbye to someone or to a relationship.
Becoming depressed after a break up is but normal. In fact, only the insane can stay happy after such a devastating blow! Who would not be sad when the relationship that you have nurtured for so long ends? In a break-up, you are not only losing someone you love, you are also losing the sense of being a couple. There will also be the constant reminders of friends and acquaintances who have been used to seeing you together.
This is perhaps the wrong perception that people should try to change. It is normal to cry when you have gone through a break-up. It is normal to feel sad, to want to mope around and just stay in bed and eat ice cream all day. It is normal to reminisce on the days that you have shared together and remember the happy times. It is normal… up to a certain period.
If you have been depressed for years now, then that is not something that you should still consider normal. People need time to cope with their emotions. They need time to heal and to make sense of what has so suddenly changed in their lives. They need time to pick up the pieces of their lives and gather the broken pieces of their heart once again. But hearts do not remain broken. People do recover from a failed relationship. They move on. They live and love again. If, however, you have not recovered for months now and it is starting to affect your professional and social life, then it is time to rid yourself of the thought that it is normal and then call a psychologist immediately. You might be dealing with a full-blown depression or if not, on the verge of doing so.
Teenagers are especially vulnerable to depression after a break up perhaps because in addition to coping with the stress of a failed relationship, they are also going through a lot of changes in their lives. Teenagers are also more emotional and less able to handle their feelings well. This inference was supported by a clinical study that was published in 1999 in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology. The study found out that one out of five teenagers suffers from depression after a break-up.
Teeners who have had relationships in the past are also more likely to suffer from depression than people who never had any relationships at all.
Among the symptoms that depressed people experience are inability to sleep, anxiety over a lot of things, excessive worrying, inability to concentrate, lack of appetite, feelings of hopelessness, loss of motivation, and deep sadness. Some people will even have suicidal thoughts although only a few would actually kill themselves. These people will suddenly lose their interest in things and in their work. They will stop doing the things that they usually do. They will stop doing the things that they used to love doing. They will even stop hanging out or talking with friends.
Usually, doctors give people who have gone through a breakup two months to cope with the situation. If after two months, they are still not over the break-up and has not yet recovered, it is best that they consult a psychologist. If psychologists make them feel awkward, they can always call telephone crisis lines or call their friends for some counseling sessions. Joining online community groups that are composed of people who are also suffering from the same dilemma can also help you heal.
Talking it out is the best way to help people heal after a breakup. This is the time when you need the support of your friends and your family. Finding a diversion can also help a lot. In fact, people who have gone through break-ups would immediately start a new hobby or enroll in a new class. Learning something new can fill up your time and will be a great way to also forget what happened. What is more, starting a new hobby can also help you meet new friends and perhaps a new love.
Do Nice Guys Have to Finish Last?
Why is it that the women you know tell you they want a "nice guy," but it's the smooth player who gets their number while you stay home weekends watching bad cable TV? You're a nice guy. Lots of women have told you so. Of course, it's in the form of, "You're a nice guy, but..." Do women want nice guys or not? The answer is yes, they do. But the simple reason that they often date the "player" is because these guys actually ASK THEM OUT. They don't just sit on the bench: they get in the game. They know that while a batting average of .300 is a really good thing, it means that they will still strike out over 2/3 of the time, but they take their swing anyway. This confidence is very attractive to women. It's not that women want nice guys to become "players," but they would love it if you would get in the game.
Most nice guys are trying to respect a woman's feelings and her space. They don't want to come on too strong. They do want to acknowledge her strength and independence. But sometimes in being "nice," they sabotage their chances. It's the "Halfway Theory." Nice guys assume the woman will meet them halfway. That way, she still has control and feels empowered. That's nice, but it's wrong. You will not make yourself attractive to a woman by pursuing her only halfway. Think about it: if Sammy Sosa got up to the plate, hit the ball and then ran only HALFWAY to first base, he'd be out. And if he didn't even try to swing at the ball at all, he'd also end up back on the bench. Articles on, explain the fact that most men don't realize the power they have to win a woman over. Your attraction and interest in her will make her more interested in and attracted to you. This is why halfway is not far enough. We surveyed women in our office about the things nice guys do that don't quite connect and came up with four tips to help a nice guy make contact—all you have to do is take that swing:
1. Don't sweat the "etiquette"
You've always been taught "Ladies first," and so there you are waiting for a signal before approaching and making your move. For some guys, it can be as small and subtle as a quick smile; others need the equivalent of a sledgehammer over the head but whichever category you fall into, you may be waiting forever so Do make the first move. If you are attracted to a woman, making that move will make you more attractive to her. Our research shows whenever a man does something to make a woman feel special, in her eyes he becomes more attractive.
2. Don't play it cool
Now you're probably thinking, "But I don't want her to feel like I'm hitting on her. I don't want her to think I am trying to pick her up." You do want her to think you are hitting on her. If she thinks you are just being polite or friendly, then she will not see you as a romantic prospect. So, do express your interest. This doesn't mean some tired line like, "Hey baby, what's your sign?" Ask her questions about herself. Find out about common interests. Listen to her instead of talking about you. Again, your interest in her will fuel her attraction to you.
3. Don't compliment clothing
Compliments can be a good icebreaker—if they are done right. One of the women at in our office recounted that she was grocery shopping after work and a guy came up to her and said "Nice jacket." She looked at him like he was from Mars (which he was) and muttered "Thanks" and continued shopping. It didn't occur to her until much later that he was trying to make contact with her because he was attracted to her. She thought he was interested in her jacket. So remember, do compliment the woman. Had this guy said, "That jacket looks great on YOU" or "YOU look nice in that jacket," she would have understood his intention.
4. Don't hand a woman your business card
You give a woman your business card because you are trying to be respectful and considerate. Let her feel empowered. "Give me a call if you're interested." This can backfire because then a woman interprets this as you wanting to be pursued. It makes her feel as if she isn't attractive enough to you for you to pursue her. So instead, do ask for her card/number. She might say "no," which could mean she's uncomfortable giving out her number or she's not interested. But if she is somewhat interested, the act of asking for her number is likely to increase her attraction to you. After you've make that move, then giving her your card will more likely be interpreted correctly.
Nice Guys Don't Have to Finish Last - Part 2
In our last article we explored some of the things nice guys do that, although they feel they are being respectful towards women and their feelings, can backfire and hurt their chances of getting in the game. The problem can be summed up by the "Halfway Theory," which comes into play when nice guys expect to be met halfway by the woman, to give her control and empower her. Our dating articles explain how most men don't realize the incredible power they have to sweep a woman off her feet. The secret of "players" is that their confidence and interest is attractive to women.
Don't ask her out halfway
Again, not wanting to pressure the woman or come on too strong, you say something like "Hey, maybe we could catch a movie some time" or "Let's get together for lunch." This leaves the ball in her court and then she's forced to pursue you. Her attraction to you diminishes because you are not showing anything but casual interest in her so do make specific plans. Instead of "Maybe we could catch a movie sometime," try "There's a Cary Grant retrospective playing downtown next week. Would you like to go with me?" or " This great new Italian place opened near work. Could I take you there sometime next week?" If you must test the waters with the vague "Maybe we could get together sometime," be sure to FOLLOW-UP with a specific plan immediately.
So if you say, "Maybe we could catch a movie sometime" and she says "That sounds great," immediately come up with a specific plan as in, "There's a Cary Grant retrospective playing downtown next week. Would you like to go?" Woman love the confidence of a man with a plan.
Mean Women ( The real bitches)
Number 10
She is self-centered
To a bitch, the only person in the world of any importance is herself. Others are merely warm bodies who get in the way of her selfish pursuits. She is the only person affected by a tragedy. The only feelings worth considering are hers. A bitch is so obsessed with herself that she would rather get a manicure than visit your father in the hospital.
No one should have to tolerate this kind of superiority complex -- especially a good man, who tends to be the preferred victim of the bitch.
Number 9
She criticizes everything about you
Shaming is a common tactic women use to control their men. The bitch takes this to the extreme. By making you feel inadequate in every domain, she hopes to make you lose your self-confidence, then rely on her to do things "right." Nothing is good enough for her, and you are the only one, aside from her bitch friends, who actually listens. So she nags about everything you say and do.
Number 8
She's cold-hearted
A bitch is typically amoral, adhering minimally to the ethical codes of society while transgressing those that are inconvenient to her. She dismisses civility for her own gains. She's manipulative and scheming, always looking for underhanded ways of taking advantage of people or even hurting them. And as proof that she lacks a woman's gentle soul, she never cries or shows soft emotion.
Number 7
She expects to be treated like a queen
A bitch is usually a spoiled brat who simply refuses to grow up. She was pampered and adored as a child, and typically given anything she asked for. As an adult, she still thinks she is entitled to everything. She consistently expects car rides, gifts and attention from you. She makes constant demands of people, and never listens to their requests. There is no fixing such a person; it's programmed into her. Only by being denied several times will she begin to get a clue.
Number 6
She slights you in bed
You want to know just how heartless such a woman can be? Not only does she not appreciate all the effort you put into pleasing her sexually, she also has the gall to ridicule you. But she'll pick the oddest times to do so, such as during an unrelated argument or just randomly in passing. This could be a cruel comment about your size, stamina or technique. More grating still is the fact that she would go crazy if you were to reciprocate the slur.
If she treats people like trash, bosses you around and embarrasses you in public, you know what you have to do...
Number 5
She treats people like trash
As someone who believes luxury treatment is owed to her, a bitch has no respect for those who do things for her. She's rude to people who work in the service industry, such as waiters and clerks, seeing them not as human beings, but as robots who exist solely to serve her. She talks at them -- not to them.
She has no compassion for people in need, such as the poor or the sick. "It's their own fault," she'll tell herself and others. More sickening still, she's mean to children, as they are a nuisance and can't do anything for her. And since her existence dwells on envy, she constantly badmouths other women over trivial things, such as their earrings or the way they speak.
Number 4
She never pays
As she thinks that it is the duty of others to provide for her, the bitch is a tightwad. On dates she always selects expensive restaurants and orders the priciest dish and drink, but never offers to pay. She won't pitch in for gas on trips or for food at a get-together. She buys crappy gifts for others, when she can be bothered, usually expecting you to pay for them. And if you mention any of these things, she'll accuse you of being cheap!
Number 3
She bosses you around
A bitch's massive superiority complex makes her think people are born to be her servants, especially her boyfriend. As someone who spends a lot of his time with her, she uses you to do all the menial tasks that she doesn't want to. Sometimes she'll even boss you around for the power trip -- just because she can.
Number 2
She embarrasses you in public
A bitch cares nothing about the feelings of others, not even those of the hapless sap she may be dating. In fact, she uses her man as a punching bag. Sometimes she even berates him in front of his friends, or even hers. She does this either as a power trip, to show others she can, or simply to beat a man's self-worth down to her own level -- after all, misery loves company.
Number 1
She flirts with other men
This is the most intolerable trait of a bitch, which many men sadly tolerate. She'll tease and allure other men right in front of you, never once considering how you may feel about it. There are no bounds to her search for attention and admiration. And to top it off, she'll wheedle whatever feelings of jealousy she can from you by comparing you to other men.
ditch the bitch
It's a strange phenomenon of life. So many good men somehow end up with the cold, abusive woman I just described. They may think they can help her, or even more tragically, they may believe they can't do any better. But no man should have to put up with someone who treats him like a pest.
how to forgive cheating?
We all know that cheating is probably one of the worst things that can happen in a relationship, so it seems logical that it would be the hardest to forgive. When infidelity rears its ugly head, trust is lost, pain is inflicted, and a heart is broken. Self-esteem...out the window, self-confidence...gone...confusion and pain have taken their place. The fact that the question, "how can cheating be forgiven," has been asked, perhaps means that a second chance might be considered. If this is so you have an up hill battle and you must realize that it doesn't happen overnight. You are in it for the long haul and must decide how this relationship can survive.
Forgiveness can happen and couples do get back together again, even after cheating. Your partner must convince you that it was a horrible mistake, and regrets it. Completely breaking off the affair with no more contact is the first thing to be done. A sincere apology, along with a promise that it will never happen again is absolutely needed. To be mistrusting is natural because of all that you have been put through. Trust will once again have to be earned and rebuilt. How can cheating be forgiven if the trust isn't there?
Is reconciliation truly deserved? This is one of the things you must figure out. Think this out thoroughly, and give yourself a lot of time to do it. Get advice from well wishing friends and family. Read articles related to this issue and if you feel counseling might help...get it. These are a few of the things that might be considered, if you do decide a second chance is warranted.
* Make your decision with a cool head and only after you have given yourself a lot of space away from your partner.
* Accept an apology when you feel your partner is truly repentant and remorseful.
* They must make you believe that their behavior has changed and that they will be squeaky clean.
* Do not accept an excuse for their cheating...Remorse is the key to forgiveness not an excuse.
* Forgiveness does not mean approval of the affair nor does it not mean that it will be forgotten. In fact it very likely will come out in arguments.
* They must understand that their actions have made you very angry and it will take a lot of patience and time for healing.
* Most importantly do you love this person enough for forgiveness and can you actually do it.
Are you still asking the question "how can cheating be forgiven"? If so, know that this whole process will not be easy, but if persistent, it can well be worth the effort. And truly, won't it be better in the long run? If you do nothing you may regret it for the rest of your life.
Why do men cheat?
Cheating boyfriends are not a new phenomenon in today's world and a lot of signs exist that could point out their cheating ways, which you shouldn't ignore in the slightest. Since you have found this article and are reading it, it is safe to assume that you have doubts about your own boyfriend and may suspect him of cheating. It really wouldn't be too surprising if he is, though. A whopping 70% of women suspect their boyfriends of being cheaters, so it is a common fear. To discover if you bagged yourself a guy who is one of these cheating boyfriends, however, keep reading.
There are several ways you can tell if you have a cheater in your midst: your guts could warn you, he could get angry every time you ask him something or he keeps coming up with strange excuses. However, although there is a high chance that this means your guy is one of the cheating boyfriends out there; you still need to get real evidence.
One huge reason why boyfriends cheat on their lovers is due to the ease that comes with today's society. There may be sure signs that out there, which cheating boyfriends unintentionally leave that may discover on your own, but this does not mean that every sign will be blatantly available for you to find. Women need to be vigilant when it comes to their relationships. Close attention must also be paid to the signals that we will provide you. It will definitely help to fully understand the male mind, along with their reasons for cheating, but the necessity would be to find ultimate proof on cheating boyfriends.
Why do girls cheat?
There are several silly things guys do in a relationship which makes a girl either want to leave them completely or just cheat on them either to get revenge or satisfy their emotions. You see in most cases men end up forcing girls to cheat on them in one way or the other. Of course we have exceptions where some girls are just simply addicted to cheating but these are just exceptional cases, we are talking about girls in general who end up cheating. Read on to discover why they cheat and what you can do to protect yourself before it happens to you...
No one wants a needy desperate man- Anything which is negative or has a negative influence women want to run away from it. You see when you act desperate, needy and miserable you are forcing her to go away or you have emotionally pushing her away as you are giving her a lot of pain by being needy and this is something she can not put up in with in the long term.
Learn to admit to your mistakes- Often in a relationship the male isn't willing to admit to his mistakes and often ends up blaming her lover or wife even for his own mistakes. Do you know that all it takes is a simple sorry to really solve the issues? Sometimes even small issues end up into big arguments and this is where just to take emotional revenge she might end up cheating on you.
Keep her satisfied in bed- Sex is something which is the biggest cause of cheating in several relationships. You see this is the reason why it becomes extremely important to have an active sex life and make sure you give her what she really wants in bed.
Dating Advice: How Guys Screw Up First Dates
I get a lot of guys who write in to ask me for dating advice on how to behave around women. Many of those questions focus on the first meeting or the first date.
I thought I'd devote one entire newsletter to a concept that I feel is VITAL to understand if you're wondering how to behave around a woman you've just met.
I've noticed a KEY difference between the way men and women act when they meet a "potential mate".
Women usually act in a way that can be characterized like this:
"You're interesting to me. I'd like to get to know you better, and we can see where this goes."
Men usually act in a way that can be characterized like this:
"I am so interested in you that I'm nervous. In fact, I'm already thinking of you as a potential girlfriend or wife... or at least a one-night stand."
In other words, women are usually casual and laid-back when they're first meeting a guy...
But GUYS tend to act like every girl is a POTENTIAL WIFE.
As you can imagine, this creates a lot of tension and pressure.
And I'm not talking about the GOOD kind, either.
I'm talking about the kind that makes men shiver and shake with nervousness, and women feel uncomfortable because the MAN is acting uncomfortable.
I KNOW that you can relate to this in some way.
The simple dating advice here is...
If you start acting all freakish and nervous when you're talking to a woman, you're probably going to screw things up before they've even had a chance to get started.
Treating a woman that you've just met as if she very well could be the love of your life is something you should NEVER do.
Instead, take a very different approach.
My favorite is to ASSUME that every woman has SOMETHING that's going to annoy me, bother me, or SCREW UP HER CHANCES with me.
The MAIN reason that I do this...
The fact is that MOST women are NOT compatible "long term" with most men. In other words, there if you do get into a long-term relationship with a particular woman, the chances are that she's going to have things about her that you don't like.
One of my favorite Cocky & Funny themes to follow is "You're screwing up your chances with me".
Let's say I'm walking down the street with a girl to have a cup of tea. Let's assume that she and I just met the night before, I got her number, and now we're walking from my place to tea.
On the way in the door to the coffee shop, she trips over the doorway.
I might look at her, shake my head in an "overly dramatic fake annoyed" way, and say "This relationship just isn't going to work".
Then, let's say fifteen minutes later she spills her tea on the table and herself.
I'll shake my head again and say "What did I tell you about this kind of behavior?".
In other words, I'm communicating the very OPPOSITE of "You're a potential wife". I'm saying "I'm so comfortable around you that I can even make fun of you without caring what you think of me".
Does this sound a little crazy?
Good. It should.
But trust me.
If you spend a couple of hours having regular, normal conversation... being Cocky & Funny, enjoying yourself, NOT trying to impress her, and generally demonstrating that you could care less how things turn out, you'll be FAR more likely to take things further than if you act as if she might be the love of your life and you wind up acting so nervous, stilted, and DUMB that she runs away.
So here it is your bit of dating advice... one thing that most guys who are unsuccessful with women do that screws things up... one thing to AVOID:
Instead, lean back. Be cool. Make jokes about her screwing up her chances with you. Tell her that she's a nice friend. Assume that she has qualities that are going to annoy you, then point them out (in a Cocky & Funny way, of course).
Don't lose your composure. It can be fatal if you do.
Another bit of dating advice:
Most guys don't "get" women.
And, unfortunately, most guys look for tricks and "pick up lines" when it comes time to LEARN how to meet women.
They don't realize that all the tricks in the world aren't going to help them if they don't UNDERSTAND what's "going on".
The ultimate mistake men make with women
What’s the ULTIMATE mistake men make with women? What’s the ONE thing that trips up more guys than anything else? It’s being what David D. so affectionately calls a “Wussy.” If you want an “insurance policy” against coming across as weak and insecure to a woman you really like, check out the article below by David D. You’ll learn specific tips that could be just want you need to take your success with women to the next level.
I want to share an interesting insight with you that not 1 in 100 men ever realize on their own. It's actually TWO insights, but they're two sides of the same coin.
It's an amazingly OBVIOUS double insight, and once you know what it is, you'll see evidence of it all around you, in every interaction between a man and a woman.
And it goes a little sumthin' like this:
1. Most men behave like WUSSIES when it comes to women and dating.
2. Women NEVER feel the powerful and magical emotion called ATTRACTION for WUSSIES.
So let's take them one at a time.
WHAT exactly IS a WUSSY?
A Wussy is a guy who kisses up to women.
A Wussy is a guy who does whatever a woman wants him to do, and doesn't even know if or when a woman is testing him.
A Wussy is a guy who accepts manipulative behavior from women, and doesn't care if a woman flakes out on him, takes advantage of him, or acts overly dramatic around him.
A Wussy is a guy who has no backbone, and caves when challenged by a woman.
A Wussy is a guy who feels that he needs to BUY or PAY FOR a woman's attention and affection with gifts, dinners, compliments, and other forms of payment and flattery...because he can't imagine that a woman would want to be with him just for HIM.
In short, a WUSSY is a submissive man who tries to compensate for his lack of ability to attract women by being overly accommodating and generous.
What’s the ULTIMATE mistake men make with women? What’s the ONE thing that trips up more guys than anything else? It’s being what David D. so affectionately calls a “Wussy.” If you want an “insurance policy” against coming across as weak and insecure to a woman you really like, check out the article below by David D. You’ll learn specific tips that could be just want you need to take your success with women to the next level.
I want to share an interesting insight with you that not 1 in 100 men ever realize on their own. It's actually TWO insights, but they're two sides of the same coin.
It's an amazingly OBVIOUS double insight, and once you know what it is, you'll see evidence of it all around you, in every interaction between a man and a woman.
And it goes a little sumthin' like this:
1. Most men behave like WUSSIES when it comes to women and dating.
2. Women NEVER feel the powerful and magical emotion called ATTRACTION for WUSSIES.
So let's take them one at a time.
WHAT exactly IS a WUSSY?
A Wussy is a guy who kisses up to women.
A Wussy is a guy who does whatever a woman wants him to do, and doesn't even know if or when a woman is testing him.
A Wussy is a guy who accepts manipulative behavior from women, and doesn't care if a woman flakes out on him, takes advantage of him, or acts overly dramatic around him.
A Wussy is a guy who has no backbone, and caves when challenged by a woman.
A Wussy is a guy who feels that he needs to BUY or PAY FOR a woman's attention and affection with gifts, dinners, compliments, and other forms of payment and flattery...because he can't imagine that a woman would want to be with him just for HIM.
In short, a WUSSY is a submissive man who tries to compensate for his lack of ability to attract women by being overly accommodating and generous.
And if that wasn't bad enough, here's the REALLY bad news: Women will NEVER feel ATTRACTION for this kind of behavior, or this kind of guy!
(If you even doubt what I'm saying for a SECOND, then try this simple test: Find 3 attractive women, and ask them if they ever feel a gut-level ATTRACTION for guys who kiss up to them and act like Wussies, and watch what they say.)
Want some even WORSE news?
When this kind of tactic doesn't work for a guy, he'll usually TRY HARDER, and become even MORE of a WUSSY to make a girl like him... and the more a girl runs away, the more a WUSSY most guys become.
YOU DO THE MATH and figure out the outcome of this equation.
It totally blows my mind how a guy will kiss up to a woman and watch with HIS OWN TWO EYES as she becomes more and more distant... and instead of him realizing that it's his own WUSS behavior that's causing the woman to run away he just keeps doing it... AND EVEN INCREASING IT!
And how do I know this so well?
Because I, my friend, used to be a BIG TIME Wuss Bag.
Of course, when I think back about situations in my life where I behaved like a Wuss and caused a woman to lose her attraction for me, I slap my head and say "DUH!"
For whatever reason, it just wasn't obvious to me in the moment.
And I think that MOST guys go their whole lives without realizing this critical insight.
Let me tell you something else that is VITALLY important for you to remember:
Notice that I didn't say "Women are pretty good at figuring out whether or not you're a Wuss".
No no noooooo.
I'm talking special forces navy seal top gun covert ops here.
A woman can tell if you're a Wussy, in most cases, BEFORE YOU EVEN OPEN YOUR MOUTH.
So if women aren't attracted to Wussies, then why is it that they sometimes accept invitations to dinner, gifts, flowers, and attention from guys who are Wussies, only to reject them later on?
Well, think about it.
1. Free food is free food, and free gifts are free gifts...I mean, when the price is right, it's right.
2. Women say to themselves "I really SHOULD date a nice guy instead of all these SEXY JERKS that I've been seeing. I'll let Mr. Girly Man take me out to dinner a few times and maybe I can learn to like him".
3. If a woman doesn't have anything going on at all, dinner with a Wussy and a constant stream of compliments and attention is better than nothing.
4. Men are NOTORIOUS for showing their "non-Wuss" side early on, but then somehow turning into a woman's worst nightmare Wuss Boy as the relationship progresses. What to do, what to do?
Well, sometimes these things are like a substance abuse problem. The first step is ADMITTING that you've been being a WUSS all your life, and that you were doing the best you could with what you had to work with.
I often make fun of guys who act like Wussies, and bust on them unmercifully... but the fact is that I've been there, and I get it.
So step one is accepting yourself as you are, and making a commitment to yourself to improve from here on out.
Next, you need to learn how to EVICT your inner Wuss, and then it's time to get down to business and learn how to create that magical feeling called ATTRACTION inside of women.
It's not magic, and it's not voodoo. Making women feel a powerful, gut-level ATTRACTION for you doesn't require looks or money, and I honestly believe that almost ANY man can learn how to do it.
The amazing part about it is that we all have the NATURAL ability to communicate with women in a way that makes them feel ATTRACTION... but most of us guys never DEVELOPED this natural skill.
We either didn't have good role models, we were programmed wrong by mom or other well-meaning people in our lives, or whatever.
But just because you haven't yet learned how to use and develop these natural talents doesn't mean that you can't start NOW.
7 Ways to Add Some Spice into a Long Distance Relationship!
“Distance makes the heart grow fonder”. Wrong! Your long distance relationship needs work. There isn’t going to be any ‘fonder’ if you just let it hibernate. So sit up and read these great tips on how to spice up your love life from across the miles!
Instant messaging
Right from Yahoo to MSN to AOL there are a number of ways to IM each other! So make use of technology. It’s free! Think of creative way to express your love. Don’t let out of sight be out of mind!
“Having gone through this Long Distance Relationship (or LDR as they call it) made me realise how important communication is in a relationship…All in the name of love, couples would do everything and all effort to keep communication going. And only then can an LDR work.”
Marie, Gorgeous Traveler
Puzzles that intrigue
Everyone loves a puzzle. Send your loved one a personalised puzzle that will get him thinking of you. If you want him to stay focussed on you then ensure he’s thinking about you. Get creative with your puzzles and keep them centred on your relationship.
Personal calendar
Even if you have photo phobia this idea is worth the risk! Pull out old photos of you as a couple. Pick the ones where you both are smiling or just plain happy. Get them enlarged. Use cardboard to make a fancy handmade calendar with the photos. Now it’s picture perfect!
By nature I’m an optimist so I do believe that LDR’s can work. However, the people involved have to be very deliberate about making it work. Stay positive!
Keesha Boyd, Psychologically Speaking
Food delivery
If he likes your apply pie then use it as leverage! Which guy can resist a home delivery of home cooked food! Or if he’s really that far away get a restaurant to deliver the dish. Then you can use a webcam to share this moment together!
Your songs
If there’s a popular radio station that he tunes in to every morning, get the DJ to dedicate a song to him. This works best on special occasions especially if you can meet him in person.
Online greeting cards
Online greeting cards are a great way to express your love for each other. These are free and can be sent in a few minutes. You can choose from innumerable categories and messages. Remember to add a personalised note!
Old emails
Remember your first emails to each other? If you still have those around then print them out and place them in a pretty folder. Segregate them month-wise so he can relive those memories even when you are not around.
Same time movies!
Even if both of you are apart it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun at the same time! Try catching up on the same movie at the same time - even if it means odd hours for you! It’s the thrill of it that counts!
Something that you can do so it feels more like you’re together.
Sara Hacker
It’s amazing what your imagination can do for your love life, if you just let it! The idea is to create a feeling of togetherness even if you are not physically present. Communication is vital so don’t let silence fill up the space between you. Even if it’s a simple phone call, make it count!
There is no long distance about love, it always finds a way to bring hearts together no matter how many miles there are between them.
So even if you are in a long distance relationship it does not have to be dull. You can spice it up nicely and add a splash of romance! Bring out your creative spirit and let it run wild!
10 Dating Bloopers You Just Have to Avoid!
Alright, so you are just about to launch yourself into the dating scene. Maybe you’ve got your fingers burnt before. It doesn’t matter. Everyone deserves a fresh start. Read on to find out 10 dating bloopers you just have to avoid!
“First dates can be stressful, especially if you’re virtual strangers who know nothing about each other. The trick is getting the other person to relax and open up so the conversation can flow freely. This will help you relax as well.”
Isabella Snow
Ms. Droopy
Maybe you don’t like the way you look. Maybe your nose is crooked or your big toe is far too big! Who cares? Stay positive! Learn to love yourself. Don’t prepare for rejection if you don’t want to be turned down. Respect yourself and enter that date with dignity.
Geek magnet?
If you seem to attract all the weird, nerdy guys out there, maybe it’s the way you dress! Dress smart and take a good look at the mirror before you meet your date. You don’t want to have an extra roller somewhere in your hair or an eye with undone makeup.
“Dressing like early sleazy may get his attention but not his affection. Try peekaboo styles that leave something to the imagination. Make crochet or sheer tops and slit skirts your weapons of choice.”
Dandy, Lovers Manual
Body odour
This may be so obvious but it is strange how so many people go out on dates without spraying on some deodorant! Smelling good is like an aphrodisiac. After all, you want to take his breath away but in a positive sense!
Order something you can eat
You may want to be polite and order what he’s having but get something you can actually eat. Don’t go for a large burger with dripping cheese. Order something where you can take smaller bites so your lipstick stays on and intact!
Going overboard with the future!
You haven’t been on the second date yet and you find yourself fantasizing about spending your life with him! We girls do that a lot! Get a hold of yourself and be practical. Take each date as it comes!
“You mentioned marriage & kids… The minute you start to mention commitments of any kind that go beyond the potential second date, you’ve probably lost him.”
Justin, LadyThrills
Old baggage - not good
If you keep talking about your ex-boyfriend you can say goodbye to your new relationship. Keep your old baggage behind and judge your date on his own merits. No one likes being second best. Period.
“Carrying old baggage into a new relationship can be disastrous. Sure we’ve all had previous relationships, and yes your new love will find out about them. But, if you are constantly complaining about your ex, or always comparing your current love to your ex, it will get real old, real fast.”
Marie Claire, Dating Women Online
Getting inquisitive
You may be dying to find out about every member of his family. Back away! Don’t frighten him away. Get to know him a little and don’t play the FBI role on your first date. Just relax and let things happen naturally.
Bending backwards to please
He may be a complete genius but that doesn’t mean you have to be a doormat. There is no need for you to go the extra mile to please your date unless he or she is also doing the same. Make sure you’re getting as much out of it as he is.
Instigating a fight!
You’ve just had a lovely date with a nice guy. He’s driving you home. Think of topics that are neutral to discuss. Stay away from religion, politics and other sensitive issues.
Obsessing over it
Did I say something I shouldn’t have? Why didn’t he call like when he said he would? Did I mess things up? Stop worrying. Everybody makes mistakes and it doesn’t matter. If he’s the one then he’ll be back!
“Learn how to say good bye to your date. Do not ask him the leading question: “When will I see you again”? Do not press on him… The initiative of the next date should come from a man. Thank him for the great evening and disappear like a fairy into the night.”
First Date Mistakes
So follow these tips and you will soon be a dating pro! Above all, just learn to relax and have some fun. Dates are meant to be a fun experience!
Top 3 Secrets: Why Men Don’t Talk About Their Feelings
It’s “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” all over again.
When we talk about feelings, why is it that men seem to have a hard time expressing themselves as compared to women? Is it because in a relationship, women have a greater emotional investment than men?
Take the big “I love you” declaration as an example. For men, saying these three little words require a huge effort -but the urge comes quite easily for most women.
Similarly, in a fight, women like to dissect the emotional reasons behind the issues. For men? They want to skip the “Let’s talk” part and proceed ASAP to kissing and making up.
In the tradition of our top lists, here is AllWomensTalk top 3 secrets behind the silence of the men =)
Secret # 3: It’s a neurological thing.
Without the basic physical and psychological differences between men and women, relationships would not be as exciting. Life would never be the same without experiencing the joys of falling in love and suffering the pains of a breakup.
Now, when it comes to talking about feelings, the culprit is the Corpus Callosum, the part of the brain which connects the left and right brain hemisphere. Let’s not go into the scientific stuff here -but the gist is that this part of the brain is larger in women than men. The result is that women can think and feel at the same time -while men naturally separate their feelings from what they are thinking. This creates their reluctance to talk about all that mushy stuff that women love to hash out.
Secret # 2: Men are reluctant to talk because they’re afraid of saying something wrong.
Admit it -almost every woman feels like she can give Oprah a run for her money as a talk show host. This is exactly what men are intimidated with. For the most part, men feel that if they open up about their feelings, women will put on their ‘psyche’ mode. They feel that saying the wrong thing will put them in a lot of trouble -that’s why they clam up. Giving them some a lot of leeway in this area is always a good idea.
Secret # 1: Men express their feelings through action more than through words.
When your boyfriend has a bunch of flowers delivered to your office, it’s his way of saying that he’s thinking about you. When a relatively new beau plans for a long weekend that you two can go together next summer - it’s his way of saying that he plans to stick around for a long time. When he has your car sent to the mechanic for an engine check-up, its means that he cares a lot about your safety. The cliché actions speak louder than words applies when it comes to men’s feelings.
So instead of waiting for an undying declaration of love - look for those little and grand gestures which show rather than tell you how he feels.
Dating Secrets That Women Don’t Want You To Know
women are now trying to help men learn how to approach and talk to woman. The dating scene is now completely different than it used to be. Before women always wanted to be a mystery.
Women now know that if they want a nice guy, they have to be less of a mystery.
Women are now know that most nice guys are to shy to approach or talk to them. Most of those men are to shy because they are not sure what to do or say. For that reason, they don’t want to come across nervous and they are afraid to be rejected.
This is the main reason why women are now taking control of the dating scene. Women are now writing magazine articles and books to try and help men understand exactly what it is that woman want. Even a shy guy will have the confidence that is needed to approach and talk to woman.
Now that women are willing to give away all their secrets; any guy can get a woman. No longer do you have to spend your evenings alone.
Woman are tired of the same guy approaching them. For that reason, they are still single themselves and looking for the right guy for her.
The most important thing you want to remember is to stay confident. Woman want you to be confident. That is why they are willing to tell you all the secrets about themselves.
Never again do you have to spend a another nite alone. Learn how easy it really can be to approach and talk to woman.
Why are men Lazy?
Men, who are lazy are, usually, too comfortable in their relationships. They have worn themselves out in their attempt to ‘get you.’ They probably feel they have ‘done their bit’ at the onset of a relationship, and will happily sit back and bathe in the emotional nurturing that you are giving them. What do they expect in a relationship?
• They expect you to do stuff for them (cooking, washing, ironing, cleaning, etc.)
• They expect an easy life
• They do not expect to work hard outside their professional working life
• They have been spoilt by someone (mother, previous partner) and expect the same ‘coddling’ from you
• Men expect to stay as they are and are not prepared change their ways
• They expect you to be grateful you have them
• They want their own way
• They want to control the household from the armchair
• They expect, and believe, they have power (the power you give them)
• They are masters at supervising you
• They are masters at giving orders
• They make you feel inferior if you can’t manage to do it all
• They want you to cater to their every need
• They do not expect to be challenged by you
This is a typical list that I am sure you can add too!
Why are they lazy? Because, you allow them to be! You have given them the power to be the way they are, or at least to stay the way they are. It’s too easy to blame their mothers and their past relationships for the way they are.
Too much time is spent on the ‘blame culture trail.’ It may be necessary for some people to look back in an attempt to find out why they behave the way they do or perhaps, to make excuses for their present state. Looking back is fruitless in the long term because you are not heading that way are you? If you concentrate on the ‘now’ then you have to accept that the lazy person in your life is now an adult with a mind of his own and has the choice and the freedom to change his thinking patterns and his ways. However, why would he want to change his ways if he is getting everything done for him?
What amazes me is that, during early courtship, most people are caught up in the notion, and belief, that their new man can do anything and everything. Indeed, throughout the courtship their man may have been proactive and keen to show his skills. The change comes after the ring goes on the finger! Sad, isn’t it that these men believe, that once they have got you, they don’t have to continue the effort to keep you.
Ask yourself:
• Did you both put down ground rules for your relationship?
• Did you discuss role and responsibilities?
• Did you just assume that he would be responsible and accountable?
• Did you expect your ‘happy bubble’ to burst?
• Did you expect him to care and share?
How can you change?
Don’t put off ‘till tomorrow what you can do today!’
If you are interested in the task then you will be less likely to ‘put it off.’ When you eventually do the task, (and you will do it sometime), it will be at the very last minute and you will, probably, only catch the deadline in the nick of time. Generally it has been established that you procrastinate in three areas:
• Personal
• Self-development
• Commitments
This covers a wide area, which includes health, cleanliness, financial affairs, domestic environment (cleaning, etc.) work.
Procrastinating in this area of your life is indicative of a mild depression or an anxious state. You don’t feel you are able to accept new interests and challenges. Your self-esteem and self-confidence has been eroded, and any task presented to you, you believe would be rejected and unacceptable, because you fear the outcome. You are scared of failing in the task. You don’t want to look stupid!
If you have made a commitment to do something for someone else, you will put it off in the misguided hope that the person you have promised, will forget about it! Instead, you should be as good as your word and complete the task as promised.
Everyone procrastinates sometimes! You tell yourself, with conviction, that you will do the task later. Thereby, avoiding doing the task now. The difference between procrastination and laziness is that when you procrastinate, the task to be accomplished, weighs heavily on your mind causing you to become stressed, and eventually you will come around to doing the task so that you can get it off your mind. Laziness on the other hand is not giving a damn about completing the task ever!
Procrastination is no more that a very bad habit or routine. It can be overturned! Your inner dialogue (this is the self-talk and mind-chatter we all do in our mind), is programmed this way, due to experiences you have had in the past, that have been difficult to deal with.
In order to overturn procrastination you need to do the following:
• Change your inner dialogue from negative ‘I will do it later,’ to a positive dialogue, ‘I will do it now.’
• Practice your new dialogue until it comes into your mind easily
• Know when you are procrastinating
• Keep a journal of all the things that you ‘put off’ on a regular basis. If you know what they, then you could ask for help in doing the task until you feel able to do it alone
• Make a short-term plan of your commitments and write down when you are going to attack them
There might be a tendency to ‘give up’ and to continue procrastinating. Ask yourself why you are doing this? Is it because it’s easier for you? If this is so, it is not a good enough reason – as it clearly identifies that you are opting out of responsibility. Your life will be richer and far more satisfying if you teach yourself to stop procrastinating and start accepting challenges. This will improve your self-esteem, self-image, self-confidence, self-respect. It will also affect the way you are perceived by others in a positive way.
Awesome Quotes
1. "A kiss is a lovely trick, designed by nature, to stop words when speech becomes superfluous."
--Ingrid Bergmen
2. Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.
Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two.
- Captain Corelli's Mandolin6. "Love is the beauty of the soul."
--St. Augustine
3. "My night has become a sunny dawn because of you."
--Ibn Abbad
4. "In real love you want the other person's good. In romantic love you want the other person."
--Margaret Anderson
5. "In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities."
--Janos Arnay
7. "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies."
8. "Each moment of a happy lover's hour is worth an age of dull and common life."
--Aphra Behn
9. "Your words are my food, your breath my wine. You are everything to me."
--Sarah Bernhardt
10. "In my wildest dreams, you always play the hero. In my darkest hour of night, you rescue me, you save my life."
--Bliss and Cerney
11. "Come live with me and be my love, and we will some new pleasures prove, of golden sands, and crystal beaches, with silken lines and silver hooks..."
--John Dunne
12. "What I do and what I dream include thee, as the wine must taste of its own grapes..."
--Elizabeth Barret Browning
13. "I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach..."
--Elizabeth Barrett Browning
14. "Take away love, and our earth is a tomb."
--Robert Browning
15. "But to see her was to love her, love but her, and love her forever."
--Robert Burns
16. "She walks in Beauty, like the night
Of cloudness climes and starry skies,
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes..."
--Lord Byron
17. "Like music on the waters is they sweet voice to me."
--Lord Byron
18. "I love you, not only for what you are, But for what I am when I am with you."
--Roy Croft
19. "You're nothing short of my everything."
--Ralph Block
20. "The only true gift is a portion of yourself."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
21. "Thou art to me a delicious torment."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
22. "Love distills desire upon the eyes, love brings bewitching grace into the heart."
23. "I love her and that's the beginning of everything."
--F. Scott Fitzgerald
24. "I wished for nothing beyond her smile, and to walk with her thus, hand in hand, along a sun-warmed, flower-bordered path."
--Andre Gide
25. "Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."
--Robert Heinlein
26. "Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts."
--Oliver Wendell Holmes
27. "What I feel for you seems less of earth and more of a cloudless heaven."
--Victor Hugo
28. "It's so easy, To think about Love, To Talk about Love, To wish for Love, But it's not always easy, To recognize Love, Even when we hold it.... In our hands."
29. "Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one."
--John Keats
30. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."
--Helen Keller
31. "... See there's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me."
--Gretchen Kemp
32. "When you came, you were like red wine and honey, and the taste of you burnt my mouth with its sweetness."
--Amy Lowell
33. "Make me immortal with a kiss."
--Christopher Marlowe
34. "Oh, thou art fairer than the evening air Clad in the beauty of a thousand stars."
--Christopher Marlowe
35. "Love is the enchanted dawn of every heart."
--Alphonse Marie de la Martine
36. "In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing."
--Mignon McLaughlin
37. "We came by night to the Fortunate Isles, And lay like fish Under the net of our kisses."
--Pablo Neruda
38. "The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain signing to and you alone make me feel that I am alive...Other men, it is said, have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough."
--George Moore
39. "In love there are two things: bodies and words."
--Joyce Carol Oates
40. "I become a waterwheel, turning and tasting you, as long as water moves."
41. "I miss you even more than I could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal."
--Vita Sackville-West
42. "Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction."
--Antoine de Saint-Exupery
43. "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
--Antoine de Saint-Exupery
44. "There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved."
--George Sand
45. "Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away; and all the things I want to say can find no voice. Then, in silence, I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart."
--Robert Sexton
46. "My heart is ever at your service."
--William Shakespeare
47. "The more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite."
--William Shakespeare
48. "Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition."
--Alexander Smith
49. "I am my beloved, and my beloved is me."
--Song of Solomon
50. "Her breath is like honey spiced with cloves, Her mouth delicious as a ripened mango."
51. "To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven."
--Karen Sunde
52. "Love, till dawn sunder night from day with fire Dividing my delight and my desire..."
--A. C. Swinburne
53. "Love is friendship set on fire."
--Jeremy Taylor
54. "Within you I lose myself. Without you I find myself wanting to become lost again."
55. "Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile..."
56. "I see my fated stars in your eyes. They melt me like the sun does snow."
57. "The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart."
58. "To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed."
59. "If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you made me smile, I would have the whole night sky in the palm of my hand."
60. "If you love me only in my dreams, let me be asleep forever."
61. "Kiss me and you will see stars; love me and I will give them to you."
62. "Love is a dream that comes alive when we meet."
63. "The soul that can speak with its eyes can also kiss with a gaze."
64. "Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essense."
--Vincent van Gogh
65. "Harmony is pure love, for love is a concerto."
--Lope de Vega
66. "Here are fruits, flowers, leaves, and branches, And here is my heart which beats only for you."
--Paul Verlaine
67. "When a heart finds another, what's a cloud more or less in the sky?"
--Wolf and Page
68. "The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart.
--Josiah G. Holland
69. "From every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven. And when two souls that are destined to be together find each other, their streams of light flow together, and a single brighter light goes forth from their united being."
70. "The most wonderful of all things in life is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing; it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident, and the most wonderful of all things in life."
--Sir Hugh Walpole
71. "Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love."
--Erich Fromm
72. "You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly."
--Sam Keen
73. "The most powerful symptom of love is a tenderness which becomes at times almost insupportable."
--Victor Hugo
74. "True love begins when nothing is looked for in return."
--Antoine De Saint-Exupery
75. "Love is the emblem of eternity: it confounds all notion of time: effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end."
--Germaine De Stael
76. "The life and love we create is the life and love we live."
--Leo Buscaglia
77. "For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it."
--Ivan Panin
78. "Listening is an attitude of the heart, a genuine desire to be with another which both attracts and heals."
--J. Isham
79. "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
--Lao Tzu
80. "The most eloquent silence; that of two mouths meeting in a kiss."
81. "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul."
--St. Augustine
82. "Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it."
--Thomas Fuller
83. "Paradise is always where love dwells."
--Jean Paul F. Richter
84. "True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart."
--Honore de Balzac
85. "We are all born for love... it is the principle existence and it's only end."
--Benjamin Disraeli
86. "Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness."
--Oliver Wendell Holmes
87. "Love doesn't make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
--Elizabeth Browning
88. " When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams. "
-- Dr Suese
89. "If I know what love is, it is because of you."
--Herman Hesse
90. "So dear I love him that with him,
All deaths I could endure.
Without him, live no life."
-- William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
91. "Love is like a friendship caught on fire: In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."
--Bruce Lee
92. "She walks in beauty,
Like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes."
93. "....A simple I love you means more than money...."
--Frank Sinatra
94. "How delicious is the winning of a kiss at love's beginning."
--Thomas Campbell
95. "One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is Love."
96. "Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired."
--Mark Twain
97. " Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her... "
-- Unknown
98. "There is no remedy for love but to love more."
--Henry David Thoreau
99. "If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever."
--Alfred Lord Tennyson
100. "All love is sweet, given or returned."
--Percy Bysshe Shelley